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Last Updated, Jun 24, 2024, 1:40 PM
How To Slow and Prevent Rot in Your Deck
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Your deck is your outdoor sanctuary, but it’s vulnerable to outdoor conditions and all the problems that come with them. Specifically, rot is a common issue that stems from unprotected exposure to moisture over time. Here, we provide helpful advice on how to slow and prevent rot in your deck.

Build With Rot-Resistant Materials

The absolute best way to manage rot starts before the deck even exists. You want to build with high-quality, rot-resistant materials. Of course, PVC and composite materials are the most rot-resistant since they contain synthetic materials that water can’t permeate. However, some wood offers exceptional durability as well.

Hardwood, for example, is naturally resistant to decay and pests. Species like cedar, redwood, and tropical hardwoods are excellent choices because they have natural oils that repel moisture. Plus, there are many other benefits of choosing quality hardwood for decking, making it a worthwhile investment.

Seal and Stain Regularly

After you build your deck with rot-resistant materials, the next most important thing is to stay on top of sealing and staining. Both sealing and staining provide a protective layer that repels water and prevents moisture from seeping into the wood.

Choose a high-quality exterior wood stain or sealant and reapply it every couple of years. If you notice any areas where the sealant is wearing thin, don’t wait—reapply immediately to keep your deck safer from rot.

Ensure Proper Drainage

As we mentioned, rot is the result of unprotected exposure to moisture over time. Pooling water makes your deck fight even harder to repel moisture and makes it more difficult to reseal the deck.

Therefore, make sure that your deck is built with a slight slope away from your home so that water can drain off easily. You can also add drainage systems under the deck to direct water off the surface. Additionally, regularly check your downspouts and gutters to make sure they are not discharging water right onto your deck.

Keep the Deck Clean and Dry

Finally, keep your deck as clean and dry as possible. Debris like leaves and dirt can trap moisture against the wood, accelerating decay. Sweep your deck regularly and use a garden hose to wash away grime. Pay special attention to the gaps between boards, as trapped moisture here can cause rot to develop quickly. After cleaning, allow your deck to dry completely before using it again.

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your deck and keep it a beautiful, safe place for you and your family to enjoy for years to come. Enjoy knowing how to slow and prevent rot in your deck!

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