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Last Updated, Sep 6, 2023, 3:00 PM
Way to Grow Your Garden
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Want an easy way to add fresh vegetables and herbs to your diet? Indoor hydroponic grower systems are a great way to eat more healthfully. The advanced technology in today’s systems makes it simple and satisfying to grow a garden at home even if you don’t have a green thumb—you don’t even need a yard.

Other benefits of indoor hydroponic gardens: they are pollution-free, chemical-free, and care-free. No need to worry about how much and when to water; the smart sensors in today’s high-tech indoor gardens control automated watering. LED grow lights adjust to the right amount of light, so you can place your miniature greenhouse anywhere in your home. Research suggests that these smart indoor systems can grow hydroponic plants approximately 50% faster than they would grow outside, with nearly a third increase in yield. The aspara hydroponic Smart Grower from Growgreen is designed to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers in your home, without worrying about dirt, pests, or weather.

The aspara Growgreen device is engineered with the latest Internet of Things (IoT) wireless capabilities, and features its own app with guidelines for planting, as well as for remote monitoring and sharing progress with family and friends. The minimalist design blends into the aesthetics of any room.

“We are thrilled to officially introduce aspara into the U.S. market – the ultimate ‘green thumb’ aid that enables users the ability to watch beautiful vegetables, herbs, fruits or flowers come to life, regardless of the season,” says Dr. Humphrey Leung, Founder and CEO of Growgreen. “We are committed to applying innovative technology and environmentally-friendly measures that enhance indoor planting, while also encouraging a healthy living lifestyle and solution that is good for the planet and society on a whole.” The team behind Growgreen includes passionate professionals from the agriculture and electronics fields who apply technology to enhance planting.

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